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Crawley CAP Centre

Crawley CAP Centre offers debt counselling, supporting their clients by offering financial advice until they are debt free.

Working with 300 families

Since their opening the Centre has worked with over 300 families. Statistically over 65% of their clients had waited over a year before seeking help with their debts. Over 60% have gone without heating or hot water, 65% sacrificed meals and 50% considered or attempted suicide due to debt stress.

Impact from Covid-19

In recent times the whole Crawley community was impacted severely by Covid-19, especially with the temporary closure of South Terminal in Gatwick Airport. Redundancies and loss of employment increased the reliance on credit, creating a debt spiral. 80% of CAP clients are on an income lower than the national average. And more than 65% live below the poverty line. Their face-to-face support services take place in people’s homes, reaching the most isolated and vulnerable who may not otherwise engage with these types of services. Their budgeting courses helped people living on tight incomes manage their money and take control over their finances, effectively preventing an increase in personal debt.

A session held at CAP Crawley

“Our service is in high demand due to the ongoing Cost of Living and energy crisis. This grant allowed us to increase our impact in our community and give more people practical advice and support through financial struggles.”

(Member of staff at CAP)

Read B's Story

B found it hard to get a job and was struggling with bills and living costs. resulting in missed payments and debt increase.

B was eventually connected to CAP and, like all CAP clients, he was given a personalised financial plan and budget with the support of a debt coach. But the Centre’s service for B went beyond debt support. Not only did CAP helped B find employment with a local food company, but when B was to be made homeless, alternative housing was found through the partnership with the local church.

Throughout the various challenges faced by B, Crawley CAP Centre remained one of his advocates, working with his creditors to relieve the pressure and setting up payment options.

“If anybody gets themselves in a pickle with their finances I would highly recommend going to CAP - there is no judgement, they are supportive and will direct to the people that can help to sort out things.”

A beneficiary

For more information visit Crawley CAP's website:

Crawley CAP Centre

Published on 23rd Feb 2024

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Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
A session held at CAP Crawley
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