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For Professional Advisors.

Are you a professional advisor with a client who wants to give back to their community?

Do you have clients who want to make a positive impact in their community? We’re meeting more and more people who are passionate about using personal, family or business wealth to take on challenges they see on their doorstep. And with some parts of Sussex among the 10% most deprived areas in England, we know the challenges are there to be solved.

As a professional advisor, you will want to find the most efficient and effective route to achieving your client’s philanthropic goals. And this is where we can help. We partner with professional advisors such as solicitors, accountants and wealth managers, to help their clients invest their resources in the local charities and community groups who need it most and can use it best.

“I have always seen real value in what Sussex Community Foundation has to offer to our clients. The client can set up their own fund with them, which is a very effective way of managing money whilst still being involved in making decisions on grants – but without the admin and the other boring bits.”

John Bunker
Consultant Solicitor and Chartered Tax Advisor, Irwin Mitchell
Our Fundholders

How we can help.

We help people with resources to create the lasting, local impact they seek, through grants to Sussex’s network of small, effective charities and community groups.

  • We provide advice on effective charitable giving, to maximise impact and minimise admin and cost.
  • We carry out research to understand the specific needs and challenges of communities across Sussex.
  • We build relationships with the charities and community groups that are helping to meet them.
  • We ensure due diligence and reporting are carried out on every grant made.

What we can do for you and your clients.

  • We can create a Donor Advised Fund your client can use to give to causes they care about, in a tax-efficient way that can also involve future generations. Either through invested funds that keep on giving, funds for immediate impact, or a combination of the two.
  • We can help to set up legacies so that clients can create lasting local value through their Wills and estates.
  • We can support or take on charitable trusts where the administrative burden has become too much, trustees are struggling to fulfil the objects, or the future is unclear.
  • We can provide bespoke, expert advice and guidance on all areas of charitable giving and local philanthropy.

Put an experienced team behind your client.

We’re people who want to make an impact too. Our passionate and motivated staff team has expertise in grant-making, philanthropy, local community needs and finance. They’re overseen by a trustee board of experienced local people, many with legal, financial and professional backgrounds.

Contact Philanthropy team to find out more about how we can help. Or follow us on LinkedIn to read more of our giving stories.

Read our leaflet ‘Expert Local Philanthropy Advice’ for Professional Advisors here



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Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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