Become a friend

How to Give.

Making your charitable aims a reality.

There are many ways we can work together to make Sussex a fairer and more equal place.

Become a friend.

Our Friends support the development of our work and quite simply enable us to do what we do. Friends make a gift from £40 a month or £500 a year.

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Start a donor advised fund.

This is a great way to get involved in local philanthropy, without the cost and hassle of setting up your own charity. Your fund is ring-fenced and makes grants to causes you care about.

Support us

Leave a lasting legacy.

You might want to consider leaving a gift in your Will to Sussex. Once your family and loved ones are taken care of, we can work with you and your professional advisor to ensure your charitable wishes are fulfilled.

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Support our funding priorities.

If you want to know that your giving is being directed towards particular areas of work, consider giving to one of our four funding priorities. Donations are pooled with others in the community to enable impactful grant making to a priority of your choice.

Find out how you can support

Our Stories

Three young people working on computers at TechResort office
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SCF staff member with Matthew 25 Mission trustee outside the drop-in centre
Matthew 25 Mission
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Cooking at the Club
39 Youth Club
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Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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