Become a friend

Become a Friend.

Help us do what we do.

Our Friends support the development of our core work and quite simply enable us to do what we do. Becoming a Friend of Sussex Community Foundation is a simple and accessible way to support your communities in Sussex. Friends pledge to make a regular gift of £40 a month or £500 a year.

By becoming a Friend you can:

  • Demonstrate your support for your local community
  • Attend our events to network
  • Learn more about philanthropy and our local communities at events and lectures
  • Receive regular updates about our work
  • If you’re a business, you can use our logo to show your support.

How to give.

To become a Friend of Sussex Community Foundation you can:

1. Set-up-up a regular donation via our Total Giving page. Please select £40 a month or £500 a year from the drop-down options.

2. Complete the Standing Order form here and return it to us:
- By post: Sussex Community Foundation, 15 Western Road, Lewes, BN7 1RL
- By email:

3. Set-up a Standing Order direct from your own bank account. Please do email us to let us know if you’ve done so.

And remember - Gift Aid could add 25% to your donation!

Do get in touch if you have any questions: call our Philanthropy team on 01273 409 440 or email
Thank you!

Become a Friend
Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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