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Check you're eligible.

Am I eligible to apply?

Most of our grants are awarded to not-for-profit volunteer-led organisations whose annual income does not exceed £2 million. However, our funding is particularly aimed at supporting smaller voluntary groups across Sussex, many with an annual income of less than £100,000.

Eligibility criteria.

Check to see if your organisation is eligible for a Main grant.

Step 1 of 3

Are you a not-for-profit organisation?(Required)
Was your annual income last year less than £2 million?(Required)

Are you a not for profit organisation?

We define ‘not for profit’ organisations as those:

  • Whose governing body (board or management committee) is entirely voluntary, although out of pocket expenses may be paid, and has a minimum of three unrelated people (if some are related there must be at least three who are not)
  • Whose members do not receive any financial benefit
  • Whose income and assets are used for exclusively charitable purposes (and any remaining assets are transferred to a charitable organisation)
  • That does not pay any dividend or distribute any surplus to shareholders or members

What you need to apply.

Your organisation does not have to be a charity but it does need to have:
  • Its own bank account, with at least two cheque signatories (who are not related to each other)
  • A constitution or set of governing rules, with a minimum of three trustees/committee members, as above
  • Accounts or records of expenditure
  • Relevant policies (such as equal opportunities, child protection, vulnerable adults, health and safety etc).

For social enterprises, CICs and CLGs.

We accept applications from social enterprises, CICs and Companies Limited by Guarantee carrying out charitable activities. However, these organisations must have:

  • Demonstrable public benefit and clear protection against private benefit
  • A minimum of three unrelated directors, the majority of whom are not paid either as directors or for delivering the activities of the organisation (if some are related there must be at least three who are not) and none should be registered as Persons with Significant Control.
  • A majority of non-executive directors approving the salaries and benefits of any paid directors, which should be reasonable and proportionate to the work they do and the financial position of the organisation
  • An asset lock body (in the case of CICs) with objectives that are charitable and similar to the CIC

These organisations must confirm that they meet the above conditions at the time of applying and no later than the closing date.

What can’t we fund?

  • Organisations or activities which don’t benefit communities in Sussex
  • Organisations that discriminate unlawfully under the provisions set out by the Equalities Act 2010
  • Organisations where the service provided is used as a vehicle or means to promote religious beliefs
  • Applications from organisations that are part of central, local or regional government
  • Political activities
  • Small contributions to major capital appeals or campaigns
  • Grants which will be used to make awards to a third party
  • Projects which only benefit animals
  • Organisations who have not returned monitoring from previous grant awards
  • Retrospective funding for activities or projects that have already taken place

Get in touch.

We’re here to provide the support you need to make applying for our funding as easy as possible. If you have any questions about this guidance or our application process, please get in touch with our friendly grants team. You can contact us via email or by calling 01273 409 440.

Contact us

Further funding advice.

We’re proud to partner with local VCSE Infrastructure Organisations (often referred to as Voluntary Actions) who provide a range of support for local charities and community groups.

If you are currently not eligible to receive our funding, we recommend contacting your local VCSE Infrastructure Organisation who can help.

Find out more
Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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