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Spotlight on... Worthing

We learnt from our recent Tackling Poverty report that many Worthing residents are experiencing significant levels of deprivation. This is a common trend for most coastal communities in Sussex, where poverty rates are notably high.
Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
By Sally Horrox - Head of Marketing & Engagement
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Spotlight on... Brighton & Hove

Our Tackling Poverty report found the highest levels of deprivation are around the Sussex coast, with the eight most underprivileged towns situated in coastal communities, including Brighton & Hove.
By Zoe Gandey - Events & Communications Coordinator
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Are Sussex families paying too much in Inheritance Tax?

Martin Roberts. Trustee at Sussex Community Foundation, looks into the latest data on Inheritance Tax (IHT), focusing specifically on estates in Sussex.
By Martin Roberts - Trustee
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Should I gift or should I sell?

We all know there are tax benefits to making gifts to charity, but do we always think how best to make these donations?
James Bird, Tax Director Knill James
By James Bird - Tax Director, Knill James
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Spotlight on... Hastings

Our Tackling Poverty report highlights some of the issues faced by Sussex residents. To explore this in more detail we are taking a focused look at the town of Hastings in East Sussex.
By Alessandra Calabrese - Marketing Manager
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What is philanthropy (and why might you need some help with yours)?

“It is more difficult to give money away intelligently than to earn it in the first place”. Andrew Carnegie
By Stephen Chamberlain - Head of Philanthropy
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Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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