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Recently we visited Family2Family, a small charity based in Crowborough - they really punch above their weight in terms of impact within their local community.

The charity provides families with the clothing and essential items for babies and children that they need but can’t afford to buy. All the items are free and most are pre-loved, but they are packed with such loving care that the recipient feels like they are receiving a gift. Relevant product safety standards are adhered to, and everything is in good, clean, and useable condition. To ensure that the items go to the most deserving recipients, referrals are made by professionals and advice agencies who ensure eligibility criteria are met.

For Hannah Powell, the founder, there were two main drivers for setting up the charity: the experience of having her first two children very young, and also the evidence of local need that she saw first-hand as a social worker employed by Children’s Services. Luckily for Hannah, her family rallied round and supported her, but she has seen for herself the isolation and despair of those who are not so lucky.

Since setting up in 2018, Hannah and the mainly volunteer team have seen the demand for their services grow. In the last year they gifted essential items to 897 children, including 696 clothing bundles. There can be no arguing with Hannah when she says: “Our service has continued to grow. Whilst this is a sad reflection of the struggles children and families are facing, we are proud to offer support in their time of need."

Find out more about Family2Family on their website.

Published on 27th Aug 2024

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