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£100,000 for Lewes Community

Lewes Mayor Stephen Caitlin and High Sheriff Jane King joined community groups and supporters at Lewes Town Hall to celebrate 10 years of grant giving by the Lewes Fund.

Since its inception the Lewes Fund has given grants totalling over £100,000 to more than 40 community groups in Lewes and the surrounding parishes.

“Tonight we are celebrating the contribution these groups and their volunteers make in helping their communities to be more resilient – in particular helping meet the needs of the young, the old, and the disadvantaged in Lewes and surrounding parishes.”

Richard Pearson
Chair of the Fund

Recipients of Grant Certificates handed out by the Mayor during the evening included: Culture Shift, Homelink, 6th Lewes Scouts, Lewes House Gardening group, Moving Sounds, the Men’s Shed, the Local Repair Cafe and Patina, Moving on Parade.

The Lewes Fund was established in 2012 to help facilitate charitable giving, and to act as a fund raiser for local groups. It is supported by Sussex  Community Foundation.

Groups seeking funding and those wishing to support the Fund can find out more here

6th Lewes Scouts received £1,500 from the Lewes Fund to improve their scout hut

Cover photo shows Lewes Mayor Stephen Caitlin and Richard Pearson, Chair of The Lewes Fund, with Keith Ellis and Mike Potter of Moving Sounds.

Published on 4th May 2022

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