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Annual Meeting: launching Tackling Poverty report

Sussex Community Foundation held our Annual Meeting earlier this week at the Brighthelm Centre in Brighton. We were delighted to have 101 people join us for the launch of our Tackling Poverty report

Tackling Poverty, part of the Sussex Uncovered series, looks into the population dynamics in Sussex and the levels of poverty and disadvantage in our communities. You can read the full report on our website here.

Keynote speaker Kimberley Gregory, Head of Marketing & Communications at OCSI, kindly stepped in at late notice for Stefan Noble to give insight into the data behind the report. Kimberley highlighted areas of high need in Sussex (including Hastings, Portslade, Crawley and Eastbourne) and the four key challenges presented in the report:

  • An aging population
  • High levels of long-term illness and poor outcomes for those with a disability
  • Inflationary pressures are contributing towards financial hardship
  • Multiple deprivation challenges in coastal communities

The evening also featured an insightful Q&A with questions put to Kim Richards, CEO at Rother Voluntary Action, Hannah Clay, our Head of Grant Programmes and our CEO Kevin Richmond. The discussion centred around the current ground-level situation, including the challenges associated with coastal deprivation, the pressing issue of an ageing population, and the scarcity of available funding amidst soaring demand and a Cost of Living crisis.

Reflecting on the evening, the overarching message was clear – we need to act together and we need to act now if we want to build a better Sussex. There is no one simple solution to the problems our communities are facing but at Sussex Community Foundation we know that local giving has a huge role to play.

To find out more about how you can contribute to our funding priorities, including Tackling Poverty, click here.

Published on 1st Dec 2023

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