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Arthur Green: Leaving a Lasting Legacy

This year marks the five-year anniversary of the death of Arthur Green, a local philanthropist and great friend to the Foundation, deeply devoted to the well-being of Sussex. Together with his late wife Doreen, the couple's fund has given over three quarters of a million pounds in 263 grants since 2013.

“Arthur was a lovely, generous man with a real twinkle in his eye and spirit. We loved spending time with him. We also know how much he loved spending time with and supporting through grants, the amazing network of community groups we have here in Sussex. This gave him great comfort in older age and we’re sure he would be immensely proud of what has been enabled through the gift he left to his fund in his Will.”

Stephen Chamberlain
Head of Philanthropy

Arthur's commitment to Sussex, which has carried on even after his passing, is embodied in the ongoing work supported by the Arthur & Doreen Green Fund. Their legacy continues to champion many charitable causes, with a special focus on helping young people, the elderly, and hospices.

Arthur’s story

When Arthur’s wife Doreen died from cancer in 2008, he was keen to leave a legacy that would provide a long-term benefit for local charities and organisations. Arthur decided that with the legacy he had inherited from his wife, he would set up the Arthur & Doreen Green Fund. Sadly, Arthur died in the summer of 2018 and the next major gift to the fund came from his legacy.

In Arthur's own words:

"Not only will the fund be a permanent memorial to us both but, more importantly, the income generated will provide a contribution to the financial needs of some of the many worthy and deserving causes that exist throughout East and West Sussex."

Arthur Green in 2015

The Arthur & Doreen Green Fund's impact has been significant across Sussex, providing more than £830,000 over the past decade. Recently, the fund gave £2,500 to Dementia Support, a charity Arthur would have greatly valued.

Dementia Support helps people to navigate the dementia journey, providing a full range of dementia services at their inclusive community hub in West Sussex. They support local people through Wayfinding advice, Day Breaks, Respite care, Carers support courses, wellbeing activities and a Dementia friendly cafe.

Read more about Dementia Support here.

Arthur and Doreen Green
Published on 24th Nov 2023

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