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Community insights from our 2024 grantee survey

In the summer, as part of our ongoing commitment to improving all aspects of our grant making, we opened our sixth annual Grantee Survey. Read our summary findings below.

We were really pleased with the response and would like to thank the 161 groups that completed our survey. We were keen to receive responses from groups who have applied for our funding, whether they were successful or not, and in total, 71% of respondents had received a grant from the Foundation previously.

“[The Foundation] has given us core funding, which is a real challenge to find. It helped us conduct some internal changes, which has made us a better organisation. As a support organisation, this means that we can also impact the improved working of other organisations. The ripples are far reaching.” 

Survey respondent

High satisfaction in key areas

Grantee satisfaction remains high, with 80% of respondents rating the Foundation’s responsiveness to community needs as “very good” or “excellent.” Many highlighted the Foundation's support, transparency, and commitment to meeting community needs. Our data-led resources (Tackling Poverty report) also received positive feedback, with over 60% of respondents finding the reports helpful, and half of those respondents rating them as “very” or “extremely helpful”.

“The Foundation has funded work around mental health which is hard to find funding for. Being able to apply yearly helps us be more sustainable as a charity.”

Survey respondent

Website feedback

We’re delighted to see good levels of satisfaction in areas we invested in following previous feedback. 90% of grantees rated the experience of our new website as “good” or “excellent” and 81% found the site easy to navigate. There was also a 17% increase from last year in respondents who found the website informative throughout the grant process.

“[The website] Looks delightful. Love all the stories!”

“It's clear and easy to use.”

Funding levels

While 66% of grantees felt the grant amounts were “about right”, 31% expressed a need for increased funding. Many empathised with the Foundation’s limitations in the current economic climate but recommended providing larger grants, avoiding partial funding (to avoid compromising project quality), and reducing reporting requirements. We acknowledge these concerns and are actively reviewing suggestions.

“Community Foundations are integral to small charities - without their support and financial help, many projects supporting vulnerable people in our community just wouldn't happen.”

Survey respondent

Communication and accessibility

Clear guidance and post-application flexibility were appreciated and there was an 18% increase from last year in respondents who found the application process easy to navigate.

It is very important to the Foundation that we provide support to all applicants as needed, so to hear 81% of respondents felt either “very” or “extremely” comfortable approaching us for support was particularly pleasing.

Going forward

With a desire to continuously improve, we are proactively responding to the grantee survey feedback. Unsuccessful applicants are now invited to our funding advice sessions, offering insights and support to strengthen future applications. We are also reviewing the questions we ask applicants for next year, to improve accessibility and make sure we are only asking what is needed.

"At the Foundation, we're dedicated to listening to feedback and using it to enhance the grantee experience. While we’re always working to improve, we're encouraged by the positive responses, reflecting the team's commitment to creating a supportive experience for all applicants." 

Hannah Clay, Head of Grant Programmes

See our current funding opportunities here.

Published on 18th Nov 2024

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