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Small but mighty

Join us this small charity week in celebrating and thanking the groups that make Sussex a great place to live for everyone.

Every day small charities are making a difference for thousands of people across Sussex. 

Man holding two balls victoriously over his head and smiling

Just as with businesses, there is a smaller number of very big charities in the UK and lots of smaller ones. Small charities make up 96% of UK voluntary organisations and overall, 80% have an income of less than £100,000.

The value of small

Small charities are uniquely positioned to understand and address the specific needs of our communities. Their close connection to the people they support allows them to respond quickly and effectively to local challenges. These organisations often operate with limited resources, but greatly impact the lives of the people they help.

"Small charities and community groups are the unsung heroes of our society. Much of what they do is hidden. You’d only know about them if you used their services. Even though they might be on the same road you live on.

These groups are embedded in the communities they serve, giving them a deep understanding of local issues and the ability to deliver targeted, impactful support. At the Foundation we will continue to advocate for and support these organisations to provide their vital services."

Kevin Richmond – CEO

The current situation

As we celebrate Small Charity Week, we want to thank the dedicated individuals and groups in Sussex who show the power of local action in creating lasting change.

These small organisations act as the ‘glue’ that holds communities together, yet many are closing or are at the point of closure. It’s currently an extremely tough environment for our local voluntary sector and the gap between need and funding available is growing. The latest Charity Fundraising Trends from Charity Excellence Framework shows that charities with an annual income under £500,000 are struggling, and charities with an income under £10,000 are most affected.

The graph above from Charity Excellence Framework shows sector fundraising performance from June 2020 to Apr 2024. The dip on the far left is Covid. 

How can you help?

Just under half of the organisations we supported last year had an income under £100,000. It is in these organisations where a small grant can go a long way.

If you’re interested in finding out how you can support small charities near you, speak to a member of our Philanthropy team.

Published on 24th Jun 2024

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Photo of man holding two balls victoriously above his head and smiling
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