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Uniting support for local older people

Last week Adrian Barrott, Grants Officer at Sussex Community Foundation, was invited to open the Mid Sussex Older People’s Council Public Meeting hosted in Burgess Hill. 

Supporting older people through our grant making remains an important commitment to the Foundation. During the Coronavirus pandemic, social contact decreased significantly amongst older people, leading to increased isolation and loneliness, and a range of negative impacts on health and wellbeing. 

“One of the real joys of this job is meeting and seeing the impact of the work of the sector and what our grants can achieve – and being part of the journey of organisations we fund."

Adrian Barrott
Grants Officer

Opening MSOPC Public Meeting

The recovery from this position has been gradual and understandably cautious, so it was encouraging that so many older people attended the Mid Sussex Older People’s Council (MSOPC) Public Meeting in Burgess Hill. The meeting was a celebration and a way to say thank you for the huge contribution that the voluntary sector makes in Mid Sussex. The Foundation is proud to be so actively involved in this through promoting, supporting, and enabling positive change. 

The event was held in a very comfortable and welcoming warm space and provided an opportunity for attendees to socialise and enjoy delicious cakes and lunch. MSOPC (who will celebrate their 20th birthday in 2024) also invited a range of excellent local charities to explain the help they could provide to local older people and give the opportunity to meet face to face and ask questions. They also presented talks on key issues such as Power of Attorney and fire safety.

Seeing what our grants can achieve   

Adrian Barrot said:

“One of the real joys of this job is meeting and seeing the impact of the work of the sector and what our grants can achieve – and being part of the journey of organisations we fund. This relationship is something we value hugely – and we do everything we can to be an approachable and responsive funder. Our relationship with MSOPC is a perfect example of that.”

 “A big thank you to Barbara, Nicola and the whole MSOPC team for this inspiring event for the benefit of the community, and their extensive support for older people across the whole of Mid Sussex. We’re so pleased to be able to support this much needed and impactful work. “ 

MSOPC provide services “by older people for older people” to reduce the negative effects of isolation, marginalisation and disengagement. The charity recently received a Cost of Living grant, from the Foundation, to hold free community information events and to produce a newsletter signposting to the local support available.

Published on 27th Apr 2023

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