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Mark Spofforth OBE


Mark trained in the City as a Chartered Accountant before joining the family accountancy firm in Sussex. He served as President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales in 2012. Mark spent six years making weekly broadcasts on local BBC Radio on financial matters and has lectured widely on accountancy and regulatory topics, including Charity finance and governance. He spent two years on the Government’s Better Regulation Strategy Group and was appointed to the UK Takeover Panel. He was a member of the Charities SORP Committee that sets the accounting standards for Charities and was a Board member of IFAC, the International Federation of Accountants.  He was awarded the OBE in 2014 for services to the accountancy profession. Mark has been Master of two City Livery Companies and served as a school governor, and is currently Chairman of the Thalidomide Trust. He served as High Sheriff for West Sussex for 2016-17.

Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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