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Martin Roberts


Martin is a solicitor and former partner of Pinsent Masons LLP, a Top 10 UK based international law firm. He specialised in Construction and Infrastructure law and also served as Head of the firm’s London office for 11 years before retiring from the partnership in 2017. He has subsequently worked as a Mediator and Consultant . Martin has been a member of the CBI London Regional Council and CBI Construction Council, President of the City of London Law Society and Master of the City of London Solictors’ Company.  He has also served as a Governor/Trustee of Cumnor House School in Danehill, Trustee of the Bart's Hospital Research and Development Trust, Trustee of the Pinsent Masons Foundation and as an Ambassador for Arthritis Research UK. Most recently he has been a member of the Elections Committee of the Royal Automobile Club. Martin has lived in East Sussex for 25 years with his wife, Jane. They have two grown up children.

Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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