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Mebrak Ghebreweldi


Originally from Eritrea, Mebrak is the founder and director of two organisations. Vandu Language Services which provides interpreting, translation and health and social care advocacy to public and private sector organisations in and around Sussex. Diversity Resource International is a social enterprise that provides research, executive coaching, business management and leadership training to cross sector organisations in the UK and Africa. Mebrak is the social entrepreneur in residence at the University of Brighton. Mebrak was a member of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) from 1978-1994. As a young female independence fighter she was a barefoot doctor and then a Morse code radio operator until Eritrea gained its independence in 1991. Mebrak came to the UK as an international student to study business at Bachelor and Masters Level. She has successfully combined her experience of war and conflict with leadership and business education.

Sally Horrox Head of Marketing
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